how to...
What is the aim?
Anthropometics are 'The study of the human body and its movement, often involving research into measurements relating to people. It also involves collecting statistics or measurements relevant to the human body, called Anthropometric Data.'
We want to use this data to make sure that we can design a product that fits the user it is intended for but also so that is in comfortable and ergonomic. A reminder that...
Ergonomics is 'The study of people and their relationship with the environment around them. When anthropometric data (measurements / statistics) is applied to a product, e.g. measurements of the hand are used to design the shape and size of a handle, this is ergonomics.'
What to use and how to find it...
We have a book called 'The Measure of Man and Woman' by Alvin R. Tilley which has a large number of anthropometric diagrams with measurements. Below are a few example pages from the book.

We have scanned this book and will share this with you via google classroom for you to look through. However, we can not share it with you on this site for copyright reasons. Please make sure you reference the book when using any images / information from it.
How to draw out key measuremnts?
Using these diagrams can be overwhelming and confusing. The diagrams at first glance are complex and confusing but with focus, you can quickly establish what you need and what key dimensions you need to pull out. Watch the video below to help you with this.