'Material selection is fundamental in ensuring your product is fit for purpose'
For clarity when you are deciding what material is the best choice for your product. It is about which material is best for your product if it was going be made commercially. This means it might not be a material we have in the school workshop. When you create your final prototype you will aim to use a material that represents the 'real' material as best/closely as possible.
When choosing materials it is useful to do some relevant hands on material testing and not just accept internet research even if this is a good place to start. eg. how will you actually ensure it is fully waterproof? will it be tough enough to be used by young children? how could you do some testing to see?
Materials information
You want to make sure the information you gather is reliable so stick to the following resources:
This is an app made by Nike. It focuses on the sustainability of materials so particularly useful if that is an important part of your design.

In rm 28 (upstairs) there is a large range if design ficused books and a section dedication to materials. These books are particularly useful if you are looking for different materials that have unique properties.
