Before you continue any further it is important to have a good understanding of the users and the stakeholder's needs and wants. The stakeholders are essential to the process, if they are not considered and the product doesn't focus on them the final outcome will not be successful. To quote OCR this section (1.3) should show:
''The candidate's investigations into the needs and wants of stakeholders and users
The identification of requirements from these investigations to guide and support the iterative design process'
How to do this?
It is essential to interview your primary user to understand their needs and wants. Designers often use a phrase called PUN which means 'Primary User Needs'. The idea is that during the initial explore section and through using a variety of techniques you will be able to establish these core needs of the user.
Beyond the interview there a number of techniques you can use and you should pick and choose those that would suit your research best.
You should as a MINIMUM do the following:
A primary stakeholder interview (this MUST be recorded with either video or audio)
An empathy task or observation or site survey (normally regarding your PRIMARY STAKEHOLDER)
A questionnaire or focus group with your SECONDARY STAKEHOLDERS
Click on the techniques below to learn more about them.
Checklist & Markscheme
Has the primary user been interviewed? is this evidenced with photos, videos or voice recording?
Have the key findings of the above been summarised?
Have the PUN's been identified?
Have other stakeholders needs been considered, are the key findings summarised and are these evidenced?