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how to...


create a


What is the aim?

The aim is to get the opinion of not only a variety but a greater number of stakeholders. These can be used for both quantitative and qualitative data but generally speaking, are used for collection of quantitative data which can then be analysed and used to help you with your design direction.

How to make one

Watch this video as a first step.

The main things to consider when building your questionnaire are:


  1. Think about what you need to know or want to know?

  2. What questions could you use to get those answers

  3. Whom are you looking to send this to? What stakeholders?

  4. Build structure into your questions, build on the previous one if necessary

  5. Think about what data you will get from the questionnaire. What will be useful for you? 

  6. Use a variety of quantitative and qualitative data to enable overviews but also capture personal thoughts and details


Below will you find a video explaining how you could use survey monkey to build a valuable survey / questionnaire. Other online tools which are linked underneath.

How should you share it?

You have a number of options and depending on your approach your results will be of varying use:


You can choose to email it out to friends, family and classmates which will bring you some useful results but if you want to be brave you might want to consider...


...putting it on some relevant forums. This will get more useful and honest results that you can guide your design process in the right direction.  

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