how to...
carry out some
What is the aim?
We can learn a huge amount from products that are already on the market. You will all have carried out detailed product analysis' of products and also looked at a variety of products to get a more general feeling for a 'market place'. As a consumer, if you were looking to buy a product you would research a range to establish which one you would want to buy. All of these techniques are useful for understanding a market and getting ideas for your own design.
How to do this?
Watch the video below to help you understand what different techniques can be used when researching and investigation other products that are on the market.
To summarise these are some of your options:
1) Look at a range of similar products on the market (using the internet) and highlight the pros and cons of these. Do include the cost in this.
2) Carry out a more detailed product analysis or product teardown of one/two products (products you have at home/school)
3) Carry out some hands on product testing of a range of products
4) Look at a range of products that may not be directly relevant but useful to inspire your designing